10 phenomenally realistic pencil drawings

10 phenomenally realistic pencil drawings

01. Martijn Versteeg – Audrey Hepburn


We love this stunning realistic illustration of film and fashion icon Audrey Hepburn

Martijn Versteeg is a 23-year-old artist from The Netherlands, who appears to have a small obsession with Audrey Hepburn, and a talent in the art of pencil drawing. This stunning illustration of the Breakfast at Tiffany’s star took the artist 1,993 minutes to create, “The same year Hepburn died,” Versteeg comments.

02. Robert Eaves – Teacher


It’s easy to see how this image was an award winner

This beautiful illustration called Teacher was created last year by Canadian artist Robert Eaves. The piece instantly received a lot of attention, and it’s obvious as to why. Since Eaves unveiled his creation, it has been published in Amazing Pencil Portraits 3 and was one of twelve winners of the ArtHere contest in Canada in 2011.

03. David Kao – Audi R8


David Kao’s R8 looks so realistic you can just imagine it cutting you up on a roundabout

David Kao first started drawing when he was just three years old, but it was only at the age of 19, after his father took him to his auto shop, that Kao began to take his art and realism seriously. Now, at 24, the young artist has a stunning portfolio of ultra-realistic car drawings. Including his this gorgeous Audi R8, which Kao created using a graphite pencil, tissue, eraser, and brush in approximately 10 hours.

04. Diego Fazio – Sensazioni

Pencil drawings Diego Fazio

It’s almost impossible to believe this incredible image is a pencil drawing

Entitled Sensazioni, or Sensations in English, this mind-blowing pencil drawing was created by artist Diego Fazio. The piece took roughly 200 hours for Fazio to draw this intricate piece, which we still – no matter how long we look at it – we cannot believe is a drawing. Simply amazing.

05. Stefan Marcu – Cat

realistic pencil drawings

Stefan pushes himself to create his best work possible

“From the age of five, I started drawing, and over time I added more skills, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, all types of graphic design, caricature and digital photography,” explains artist Stefan Marcu. “My focus is on the study of art and my personal development in all its branches, and I am obsessed with excellence in the creation of any product.”

06. Giacomo Burattini – Clint Eastwood

realistic pencil drawings

Burrattini believes his work highlights the beauty of imperfection

“Hyperrealism in my work displays the beauty of the imperfections perfectly, opening a door within the subject that is not normally depicted in real life,” says Italian artist Giacomo Burattini. “I believe reality is a beauty in itself so I don’t need to find ways to hide the imperfections of human nature so my work shows the perfection of the imperfections of life.”

07. Keith Moore – Big Ben

realistic pencil drawings

Practice makes perfect with Moore’s hyperrealism work

“I love the challenge of creating small scale hyper-realistic graphite pencil art without compromise,” says Keith Moore. Practising his personal techniques and refining his toolset, Moore has been embracing the liberation of high definition digital photographic referencing and we think his work is all the better for it.

08. Paul Cadden – Shower


Cadden’s illustrations are frighteningly realistic

When we first saw the work of 47-year-old Paul Cadden, it took a while for us to realise these were in fact illustrations. Even more unbelievable, the hyperrealist artist used just graphite and chalk to create these stunning images. Working from photographs and video stills, Cadden’s work proves if you have talent then all you need is the simplest of tools.

09. Paul Lung – Tiger


We wonder how long it took Lung to perfect the fur…

This mind blowingly realistic image of a tiger was created by traditional artist Paul Lung. The Hong Kong-based creative’s portfolio on Deviant Art is astonishing, featuring realistic portraits of both humans and animals. The time in which each take depends on his subject matter, with one cat sketch taking Lung approximately 60 hours to complete.

10. Randy Atwood – Sir Sean


Seriously, how real does this portrait of James Bond star Sir Sean Connery look?

Artist Randy Atwood creates phenomenal photorealistic pencil pieces, such as this Sean Connery portrait. On his Deviant Art portfolio the 25-year-old explains, “When time allows, I enjoy practicing the craft of image-making. I favour creating celebrity portraits on paper with graphite drawing pencils”.