100-year-old man holds dying wife’s hand to fulfill their vow of ’till death do us apart’

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 23, 2017Stories
100-year-old man holds dying wife’s hand to fulfill their vow of ’till death do us apart’

When we hear stories of elderly couples whose marriages seem to have lasted forever, we are forced to renew our conviction in the institution of marriage – this even more important at a time when broken marriages seem rather like a fashion trend!

Recently, a Reddit user, RealLiveGirl, posted a photo of her 100 year old grandfather holding the hand of her 96-year-old grandma, just before her death.  They had been married for 77 years!

This photo and the precious comments from different users will surely bring some warmth to your own personal relationships.

That wedding ring…

Married for 77 Years

“This hit deep for me,” hammerw, a Reddit user commented on her post.

“My grandparents raised me and continue to allow me to live with them. They’re both 74; [only] 5 hours apart in birth, and have been together since 16.”

“My grandfather’s mortality has been really hitting him mentally lately. Me leaving for college next weekend is going to feel conflicting for the first little while I think. I would be on the street without them.”

Following the example of your loving parents?

One young man excitedly wrote, “I was thinking about proposing to my Girlfriend in a year and a half but now I don’t think I can wait that long.”

Think over it young man!  Are you ready to hold on for decades with this partner you have chosen?

One reader who has been married for 24 years said he felt a change of heart after seeing the touching photos.

“Tonight my wife and I had an argument. It doesn’t happen often – after 24 years of marriage you kinda figure out what subjects need delicacy – but tonight we argued,” user, TorchTheRed, shared. “It was the usual suspects: money, long hours working, who cares less about who’s feelings. I grabbed a blanket and headed for the lounge – after 24 years of marriage you kinda figure out that the sofa, the pooch for company and the evening apart from each other is a good way to cool hot heads.”

“Then I read this post,” he continued. “I put the kettle on, made my wife a cup of tea and woke her up.”

Such a lovely positive outcome of sharing these pictures, as the reader expressed his love and gratefulness to her, the two resolved their differences.

Hot Heads No More

Toms Baugis

Some readers who were not very happy with the post as they thought it was trespassing into people’s private lives.

One of the critics remarked, “Apparently I’m the only one who thinks people should have some privacy sometimes and not everything should be subject to karma milking….”

Reddit is a social media community that gives credits in the form of “Karma Points” than thumbs-up or likes.

But most viewers appreciated the photos.

“Often people post pictures of loved ones or pets who have passed and the picture doesn’t really mean anything to anyone but them,” user Summerie wrote. “This picture is not one of those. This picture absolutely speaks in a universal language we all either can, or at least hope to someday understand.”

We hope these pictures will ignite a spark in your relationship. It is worth all the little pains you may have to go through now, to have somebody by your side when you leave for good!

The photo story is developed from the Reddit post of the user RealLiveGirl.