10+ Before-And-After Pictures That Expose The Terrifying Power Of Earthquakes

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 22, 2016Editors' Choice
10+ Before-And-After Pictures That Expose The Terrifying Power Of Earthquakes

The Italy earthquakes in August and October of 2016 were absolutely devastating. Not only were almost 250 people killed, but many towns— especially Accumoli, Amatrice, Pescara del Tronto, and Arquata del Tronto—were essentially destroyed.

For those of us not directly affected by the earthquakes, it can be difficult to understand just how bad they really were. Yet these before-and-after photos give us a sense of the devastation like never before.

Several towns were completely destroyed during the August 2016 earthquake in central Italy. Here’s a scene of Amarice’s main street before and after.

All of the buildings surrounding the town center’s clock tower were nearly flattened.

The earthquake forced a lot of people into homelessness.

The church is still standing, but just barely.

Hundreds of people became homeless, said Accumoli’s mayor Stefano Petrucci.

This road in Pescara del Tronto was utterly demolished.

“If we don’t get help, l’Arquata is finished,” said the mayor of Arquata del Tronto, another town that was affected.

It’s painful to look at these homes in Pescara del Tronto.

Making matters worse, another earthquake hit Norcia, Italy just two months later in October 2016.

Many people were injured, but luckily, there were no deaths reported.

These images are truly heartbreaking. We wish the best for everyone who has been affected by these earthquakes in any way.