13 Tips to Reduce Bloating in less than 24 hours!

Do you suffer from bloating? And it becomes especially intense during your menstrual cycle? As if life isn’t bad enough during that time of the month! Feeling drowsy, cramps, back pain, acne, and on top of it all – BLOATING!

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However, no need to be desperate, we are going to show you some super simple tricks to reduce your bloating fast and easy!

Why do we look like a puffer fish?

Many women experience bloating before and at the start of their period, as your estrogen levels rise, your body retains more water. Your estrogen levels are high in the days before your period, thus causing the bloating effect.

In contrast, progesterone is a diuretic, which helps you get rid of water in your body. When this hormone is low in your body, you’re also more likely to be bloated. Progesterone dips right before you get your period.

So basically, the few days before your period is a combination of water-retaining factors — first you get high estrogen in the days before your period, and then right before your period, your progesterone drops significantly.

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How to reduce bloating

In this video we will show you how to reduce bloating through pressure point massages, foods you can consume and foods to avoid, relaxation techniques, and much more!

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Learn more from our full video: 13 Tips on How to De-bloat Overnight on your period! 


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