This is a 150 kilogram cuddling baby elephant and it’s heart-meltingly cute

This is a 150 kilogram cuddling baby elephant and it’s heart-meltingly cute
Photo: Screenshot / YouTube / Baudolino Aulari

When the mother weighs in at nearly two tons, the baby elephant can bring 150 kg onto the scale. But this doesn’t stop him from cuddling with his human caretaker.

This heartwarming footage was taken in Chiang Mai, Thailand, as a zoo keeper plays with an adorable three-month old elephant. It seems as they know each other for much longer and trust them as in a year-long friendship. But think about it twice… An elephant wont forget. So treat him well and you’ll get a friend for life.

Unfortunately there is a downside to elephants in zoos. There are not that many left in the wild. What are possibly the most majestic wild animals are endangered because of human actions like trophy hunting, poaching and the craving for ivory. This needs to stop!