19-year-old girl with ‘superhuman strength’ lifts burning truck to save dad

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 18, 2017Stories
19-year-old girl with ‘superhuman strength’ lifts burning truck to save dad

At that very moment all she knew was to save her dad – she said she don’t know how but at that moment she had got that “crazy strength” to life the truck and do that miracle!

On Nov. 28 2016, Charlotte Heffelmire, a 19 year old Air Force Academy student, went to the garage when saw her father stuck under the truck. Her dad was repairing the truck when the jack slipped and the vehicle collapsed on him. Gasoline spilled out and started to burn.

Seeing her father struggling to come out, she swung into action. First she hurriedly called the emergency rescue team. Then, this courageous daughter, weighing all of 120 pounds and standing just 5 feet 6 inches, lifted the truck with one superhuamn feat of strength and freed him.


As if lifting the truck that weighing thousands of pounds wasn’t impressive enough, Charlotte managed to push the burning vehicle clear outside the garage. Firefighters then arrived at the scene to finish the job.

Eric Heffelmire was amazed.  Such was her unconditional love and affection for her father.

The Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department in Virginia  awarded her with “Citizen Life Saving Award”.

Watch the USA TODAY video below!

Unimaginable human strength surfaces in dangerous situations, where there is no thought but to save one’s kin.