20 Everyday Things You’ve Been Using The Wrong Way Your Entire Life

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 13, 2016Style
20 Everyday Things You’ve Been Using The Wrong Way Your Entire Life

When it comes to the everyday objects that we use around our houses, our offices, and at school, we think we’ve got them down pat. That is to say that using certain things — a spoon, an eraser, a soda tab — feels pretty straightforward, like there’s nothing left to learn other than what you already know.

However, after reading this post, you will realize that is completely wrong. Many random objects we use every day have alternate purposes, and you just might not be realizing how useful they can actually be. Check out the pictures below to learn how a wooden spoon can prevent a mess of boiling water, how soda tabs can organize your closet, and even how you can seamlessly make your sunny side up eggs in a perfect circle without much though. Needless to say, after you read this, your life will do nothing but improve.

#1. Erasers don’t just have two sides for the hell of it.

When you see an eraser with two colors, remember the blue part isn’t for your pencil: It’s for erasing ink instead. However, this only works when the ink you’re using is erasable — otherwise, you’ll just have a hole in your paper.

Erasers don't just have two sides for the hell of it.

#2. Don’t let your straw pop up out of your can.

The large hole on the can cap is for your straw to enter, to keep it in place in your carbonated beverage of choice.

Don't let your straw pop up out of your can.

#3. Sick of your pot boiling over?

There’s a ridiculously simple solution for that, and all you have to do is place your wooden spoon over top. Seriously, that’s it. The bubbles won’t overflow, and everyone will think you’re a genius.

Sick of your pot boiling over?

#4. Don’t throw away your printer cartridge just yet.

Often, your computer will alert you that there’s no ink remaining. In the words of Maury Povich, “THAT was a lie.” All you have to do to get that extra mile is remove the cartridge and use a paper clip to pop the reset button on the bottom. It will trick your computer, and you’ll be good to go.

Don't throw away your printer cartridge just yet.

#5. The back loop of your shirt isn’t just so mom can grab you.

The loop on the back of your shirt is for your hanger to go on, to prevent the front and back of the shirt from wrinkling.

The back loop of your shirt isn't just so mom can grab you.

#6. Want to double your closet space?

Try using soda tabs to double up on hangers, meaning you can hang more stuff, more neatly.

Want to double your closet space?

#7. That tiny hole in your airplane window isn’t there to scare you.

Inside and outside pressure while flying is regulated with a tiny hole on your plane window. Don’t worry — unless the hole suddenly gets bigger. Then you should definitely worry.

That tiny hole in your airplane window isn't there to scare you.

#8. Those holes in your pasta spoon actually have a purpose.

And it’s not just for straining. The hole is used to measure spaghetti per serving, so you never make too much again.

Those holes in your pasta spoon actually have a purpose.

#9. That button hole up top isn’t there for no reason.

The horizontal button hole at the very top is placed there to prevent your shirt from unbuttoning on top, for the moments you want to look extra presentable.

That button hole up top isn't there for no reason.

#10. Ever notice that small pocket in your jeans?

Nope, the small pocket wasn’t intended for your coins or condoms. Instead, .it was first created to hold a pocket watch, which is what many workers used to carry with them to the job.
Ever notice that small pocket in your jeans?

#11. Got some sensitive material you need to hide?

Instead of crossing words out with lines, cross them out with letters so they won’t be legible — plus, maybe someone will think you’re writing in code.

Got some sensitive material you need to hide?

yourmom46 / Reddit

#12. You’ve definitely been untying a not all wrong.

The trick to untying a knot is to twist the loose end as much as you can and to push it through the knot — save yourself some time with this method and give it a whirl!


jumaklavita / Reddit

#13. Don’t throw away your dull disposable razor.

That razor can actually serve another purpose: Cutting the pills off your sweaters and jackets.

Don't throw away your dull disposable razor.

#14. purposeful selfies

purposeful selfies

#15. Don’t hold your beer by its “body.”

One reason beer bottles are designed with a narrow, elongated neck is to reduce the amount of heat transferred by your hand. Make sure to hold it there instead of below.

Don't hold your beer by its "body."


Flip those babies over. The wavy side is supposed to sit against your hair, not the opposite way around. Admit it: This is life-changing advice for those of us with unkempt manes.

Are you having a hard time keeping your hair in place with your bobby pins?

Kathleen Kamphausen / Elle

#17. Maybe you didn’t know you were using the elevator wrong.

If you need to get to your floor in a hurry and don’t want to make any stops along the way, hold the “door close” button down until the doors close. Keep holding the “door close” button and now press and hold the floor number you want to go to. Other people might get pissed at you, but hey: You’re in a hurry.

Maybe you didn't know you were using the elevator wrong.


#18. You probably put the flap backwards on your toilet seat cover.

Put it in the front, and it will stay in place instead of falling into the toilet before you even sit down for a moment of relaxation and clarity.

You probably put the flap backwards on your toilet seat cover.


#19. Don’t ever suffer the perils of splashing water on your face in a public bathroom again.

Instead, just turn that hand drier into a face drier. The metal nozzle thingy flips up to direct the air into your face and dry you off, even if there aren’t any paper towels around.

Don't ever suffer the perils of splashing water on your face in a public bathroom again.


#20. Want to cook a perfectly round, sunny side up egg?

All it takes is a non-stick pan, a bit of oil, and a ring of onion to achieve rounded egg greatness — and it fits perfectly onto your sandwich.

Want to cook a perfectly round, sunny side up egg?