20 Photos That Prove The Earth Is Dying

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 12, 2016Science & Tech
20 Photos That Prove The Earth Is Dying

Politicians try to confuse us as to the truth about climate change and environmental destruction. But it’s hard to argue with these photos which show, with horrifying clarity, the realities of our planet being irreversibly scarred by our actions. These pictures will challenge you to make a difference for future generations.

1. Environmental workers clear thousands of dead pigs from the Shanghai River.

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2. This factory pumps pollution into the forest air.

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3. The dirty secrets of the Great Wall of China.

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4. Deforestation has taken this koala’s home.

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5. This tortoise was trapped in plastic, so it’s body was painfully forced to grow around the can wrapper.

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6. Pollution smog over Mexico City.

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7. The infamous smog cloud over Los Angeles.

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8. Dead fish float down a fully polluted river.

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9. In Hong Kong, authorities have set up fake skyline boards for tourists. The actual polluted skyline can be seen in the background.

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10. The sickening reality of water pollution in China.

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11. This bird dies, suffocated by oil.

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12. In China, this child drinks from a polluted stream.

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13. This boy swims through the refuse each morning, trawling to find anything he can sell.

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14. Another polluted river in China.

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15. Toxic algae consumes this river.

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16. This seal struggles against plastic.

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17. California’s Lake Shasta at its record low.

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18. This disgusting lake is the main source of water for Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, a city of 14 million people.

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19. The Yellow River, in China.

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20. An oil pipeline has exploded Shandong, China.

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