2023 NTD International Figure Painting Competition Calling for Entries

The Sixth NTD International Figure Painting Competition is now calling for entries. The mission is to promote the pure beauty, goodness, and authenticity of traditional painting.

Prof. Zhang Kunlun, an accomplished sculptor, is the jury chair of the competition. According to him, a strong technical foundation is crucial for an artist, and a good work of art also needs an excellent overall presentation. But only submissions of figure paintings will be accepted.


As Prof. Zhang explained, “People are always at the center of activity in society. Painting the human figure is the hardest. It can best test one’s abilities. There is also a spiritual perspective. Various faiths say that divines created human beings in their own images. Therefore, using authentic academic realism painting techniques is a way to show respect for humanity.”

In addition to realism techniques, submissions must convey positive ideals, such as righteousness, compassion, and beauty.

Zhang said, “Art can hasten either the elevation or degeneration of people’s moral standards. Good artwork can broaden people’s minds and make them nobler people.”

Since the artwork reflects an artist’s inner world, Zhang stresses the importance of a pure mind for artists. “Artistic creation is the process of self-improvement. If an artist wants to produce good artwork, the artist must first be a good person, a person with a higher moral standard than others. When one creates art, one must continuously purify oneself.”

He also said that realism artists today shoulder an important responsibility. “A realism painter acts as a bridge to the revival of the traditional art of realism oil painting and the restoration of the glory of fine art. Persisting with traditional fine art in today’s society is itself something remarkable!”

Zhang believes that the competition provides a great chance for artists who adhere to tradition to showcase their talents.

“By participating in this competition, accomplished oil painters can share and learn from each other. So it’s another good opportunity to improve,” Zhang said.

The professor has high hopes for contestants:

“People’s art will prosperously reappear and take a righteous path. This is for sure. These artists, I hope they can all create brilliance and fine art for the human world.”

There is also an award as the competition offers over $25,000 in prizes, including $10,000 for the Gold Award.

Artists can submit their best work until June 15.