300 fellow students ‘escorted’ a racial-abuse victim to her class, thus spreading the uplifting message of love!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 4, 2017Stories
300 fellow students ‘escorted’ a racial-abuse victim to her class, thus spreading the uplifting message of love!

Racial abuse can be psychologically devastating, making the victim lose its inner courage. When this teen faced this abuse, she expressed her fears about personal safety, without any anger or hatred – and the result was truly heart-touching!

On Friday, 11th of November, Natasha Nkhama, a 19-year-old sophomore at Baylor University was racially abused and bullied, she decided to share her story online.

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Without any judgment, anger, or hatred, she managed to express the fears about personal safety she and other minority students have — and the school also took notice. Over 300 students gathered to walk this student to her class in a gesture to make her feel loved and safe on the campus.

Her post on Facebook, described what happened to her as she walked between classes on the campus:
“On my way to class, this guy went out of his way to bump into me and… shove me off the sidewalk,” she said. “He said ‘no n*ggers allowed on the sidewalk’.” Despite this horrible, racist act, Natasha said she wasn’t angry. “I am not mad, I am not sad, and I am not even scared, All because God has not given me a spirit of fear, but a mind of sound nature. I can only say I am disappointed.”
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Natasha’s friend, Jaileene Maite Garza, then posted the video on Twitter and tweeted it at Baylor.

It’s been re-tweeted over 4,000 times and has been liked nearly as many times. But the responses on Twitter were varied: some were just as mean as the bullying that she’d experienced. It has caused an uproar and the social media took to using the tag #IWalkWithNatasha, in showing their support.
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Baylor University condemned the behavior of the Bully.

On the 10th of November, the Baylor University Twitter account stated that the racially offensive language and the harassment “Is deeply disturbing and in no way reflect Baylor’s faith or values. And we wholeheartedly condemn that behaviour.” The school in it’s statement also said that, they’d been working with Natasha to “ensure that she feels safe and supported by the Baylor community.” Natasha has her own message of love: “To the gentleman who said those words, I’m praying for you and I love you…” Not of hatred — but of change. “We just want to see the world to be a better place.”

On Friday, at 9:55 a.m., Natasha walked out of the Tidwell Bible Building to a huge surprise.

#IWalkWithNatasha was more than just a tag; it was a promise. Hundreds of students were waiting for her. Some students had been let out of the class by their professors to accompany Natasha on her walk to class. It was a simple gesture to show Natasha and all of the other student that they’ve got support, safety, and solidarity. Natasha was brought to tears, but managed to address the crowd: “I just wanted to thank everyone for being here — I want everyone who can see this to know that Baylor is a campus of love.”
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She said that she felt overwhelmed and “super loved” the show of support.

Other Baylor students and alumni were feeling the love as well. One of them posted on Facebook, “Friends, a student on Baylor’s campus was assaulted this week while walking to the class. It seems that the assault was motivated by the color of her skin. This was how our students chose to respond… to peacefully but confidently walk her to her class. If anyone chooses to belittle, harm, or speak negatively about a Baylor student because of their religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation. Our students, motivated by love will rise up! As they did today! Thank you, Baylor students for continuing to be a shining example of goodness in the world! #iwalkwithnatasha “They’re not going to tolerate intolerance on the Baylor’s campus.”
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Baylor’s Interim President, David Garland, shared a message of hope with the students after taking part in the walk himself.

He said, “The ‘Walk with Tasha’ this morning was an amazing experience,” because what he was able to witness was Baylor’s “community represented the core values of Baylor University” and also stated that, “When we love others like this, we make ourselves so much more greater. It means that one walk in solidarity is not enough. Walking with our brothers and sisters must become a daily walk on and off this campus.”

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