The tallest and fastest free-fall drop ride!

The tallest and fastest free-fall drop ride!

The biggest! The tallest! The fastest! The scariest! You’ve heard it many times. In America we like it big. Big portions of food; big trucks; big mansions; big national parks; long roads, etc. But most importantly in America we like to think big. There is courage to make plans that seem especially difficult to achieve. We have the courage to dream and to imagine the “impossible”. But we don’t stop there. We act. This is a fantastic trait in American culture – going after what we want and taking action to achieve that dream.

A perfect example of these two attributes is in the Walt Disney Imagineering team. Not only did they design the fantastic Disney theme parks, they actually built them. Something that seemed impossible was proven to be possible. It’s very inspiring to witness such projects come into being — it shows us the power of the human mind when properly used.

Add to these two traits a pinch of competitiveness (let’s be honest – we all like to compete a little) and you have a perfect recipe to make the tallest and fastest drop tower ride in the world! It’s named Zumanjaro: The Drop of Doom and it is 415 feet high, which is equivalent to 41 stories. The drop speed is 90 miles per hour which is almost free fall speed and drops 24 riders in less than 10 seconds! Let’s face it – it couldn’t be build anywhere else.

Here you can have a look at this impressive ride made in America: