3rd Georgia County Finds Uncounted Votes

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 18, 2020NTD News Today

A third county in Georgia has uncovered votes that weren’t included in the election results.

Georgia’s Republican chairman writes: “Our monitors tell us that Walton County election officials have found a memory card that was apparently not uploaded. The number of uncounted votes is not as large as in Floyd or Fayette but the President will pick up votes.”

According to the Walton Tribune, 284 votes were added—176 went to Trump.

Earlier, Georgia’s Fayette County found a memory card with nearly 3,000 uncounted votes. The majority were for Trump.

Gabriel Sterling, Georgia voting system implementation manager says: “There was an issue. We noticed that there were more people on the absentee ballot file for voting in person in Fayette County than was in the actual reporting. So we thought that might be the case. And it was discovered today for certain. And it’s about 2,755 votes.”

He says the votes were scanned onto the memory card, but didn’t get uploaded. Of the votes, 1,577 were for President Donald Trump, 1,128 were for Joe Biden.

Gabriel Sterling says: “So when we find some of these things like this, you know, it’s irritating to a degree because you want to be spot on as you go. But the reason you have the audit is that human beings are going to make mistakes and you find those mistakes and you correct those mistakes as you go. And in this case, when the margin is so narrow, every little thing matters.”

He says officials plan on certifying the results by the end of the week.