Loss of face does not equal loss of beauty and love

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 27, 2017Stories


Any loss is a tragedy. Those who have never experienced a physical loss can certainly empathize with this woman. We all can.

The story surrounding this woman’s story is about a tragedy, yes. But perhaps even more so, love. Who could imagine such a thing happening to one that we love or even ourselves? The lesson offered here is, how do you define love? This brave woman understands, and so does her husband. Beauty comes from within. It’s understandable that the physical impairment would, at best, be a hard blow to anyone’s emotional well-being.


Considering we live in a society that often makes us believe that our physical beauty is who we are through a constant massive media avalanche that targets us – practically from the day we are born, it would make sense. We are human. But those who sell these warped ideas of beauty do so to earn a living or line their pockets.  That made up message is not true, nor has it ever been true, nor will it ever be true!

Beauty comes from the inside out. Just ask this husband who loves his wife more than ever.