600-Pound Woman’s Workout Video Inspires Millions on Facebook

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 4, 2019People
600-Pound Woman’s Workout Video Inspires Millions on Facebook
Leneathra Reed does workouts in a gym. (Phat2Fit/Facebook)

With the beginning of another year, many people have made a start on their New Year’s resolutions, hoping to make a difference in their lives. For those looking for motivation, the weight loss journey of this Mississippi lady may bring inspiration to keep going in achieving their goals.

Starting in November, Leneathra Reed from Meridian began to train with her workout instructor. Within two months, Reed lost nearly 30 pounds, enabling her to hit below the 600 line for the first time for more than two years.

Reed’s decision to make a change in her lifestyle came when she found herself struggling with daily activities and sometimes finding it difficult to breathe. However, her less than 2-year-old daughter, Kenlyn, played the most vital role in motivating her.

“That’s my heart and I just can’t see anybody else raising her so I have to do this for my daughter,” said Reed to WTOK. “And just looking at her smile and watching her light up looking at me, that’s enough for me to keep going anyway.”

At Total Body Transformation Gym in Meridian, Reed’s instructor, Frank Harbin, oversees her training three to four times a week. Although she only spends 20 to 30 minutes a day working out, Reed found the workouts have brought her more benefits than just weight loss.

“It’s helping a whole lot, I can get around at my job a lot better, too,” she told WTOK. “Even those few pounds that I’ve lost, I can tell the difference in my back. I can actually breathe better.”

Harbin has seen a difference in her too.

“She has more confidence in herself now,” Harbin said. “At first, she was worried about people watching her [in the gym]—people saying things. Now she’s just taking it in stride.”

A video of Reed’s workout posted by Harbin gained more than 50 million views on Facebook in two months.

The post received more than 97,000 comments. Of those, several people shared their before and after photos to encourage Reed to keep going with her journey.

Reed also created a Facebook page “Phat2Fit” for people who want to follow her weight loss journey. In its about page, Reed wrote that her “struggle with weight loss has been an ongoing battle for just about 15 years.” Reed told WTOK that she’d like to encourage others with her experiences.

“Why not get up and get off of my behind and show people that just because you’re big, that does not mean—that does not mean that you have to sit there and just take it.” Reed said. “When you admit that you have a problem, and you admit that it’s something that you need to get up and do something about, you can do it.”

Many Facebook users were inspired by Reed’s story.

“In the few weeks I’ve been following you, I can see the difference! I am recovering from a car accident 4 years ago, and it’s hard. Even though you are heavier than I, you are already much ‘fitter’ and stronger. No way I can do some of the things you are doing now, so you are inspiring to me, Leneathra! Bless you and Merry Christmas!” A Facebook user Ann Cavanaugh wrote.

“Happy New Year, Happy New You! Your new nickname from me is ‘Sunshine Momma’ – you are shining inspiration for us all to do more, and be better,” A Facebook user Deb Parker wrote.

Harbin is also dedicated to helping Reed, on New Year’s Day, he knocked on Reed’s door, asking Reed to stick with her workout plan.

In addition to her dedication and encouragement from others, Reed is also on a healthy diet to supplement her weight loss goal.

A Go Fund Me page was also created by Harbin, to help raise money for Reed’s training and plastic surgery.