6,000 People Form Beautiful Emblem in Capital of Taiwan

6,000 People Form Beautiful Emblem in Capital of Taiwan

TAIPEI, Taiwan—After two days of intensive labor and preparation, a huge symbol appeared center stage at Taiwan’s Liberty Square, named for its role in the island’s transition from one-party rule to democracy.

On Nov. 26, wearing yellow, blue, red, white and black clothing, about 6,300 practitioners of the spiritual discipline Falun Gong formed a large emblem along with the three Chinese characters for truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, the core teaching of Falun Gong. The symbol, called “falun” in Chinese and meaning “law wheel,” includes the traditional Buddhist “srivatsa” and Taoist “taiji.” It is the emblem of Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa (Great Way of the Law Wheel).

A close-up view of the emblem formed by Falun Gong practitioners at the Liberty Square in Taipei on Nov. 26, 2016. (Chen Po-chou/Epoch Times)

“The world needs truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.” said Huang Chun-mei, organizer of the activity and deputy chairman of Taiwan Falun Dafa Association. “If everyone in society follows these principles, our society will be better.”

The character formation, however, bears a much deeper meaning. Huang Chun-mei explained that the character formation would put a check on the continued violent persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and, contrary to propaganda by the Chinese regime, show that the Buddhist discipline thrives around the world, with people practicing Falun Gong in over 100 countries.

Read the full article by Frank Fang on Epoch Times.

Featured image: A close-up view of the emblem formed by Falun Gong practitioners at the Liberty Square in Taipei on Nov. 26, 2016. Credit: Chen Po-chou/Epoch Times.