98-year-old woman in India inspires youngsters to practice Yoga

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 8, 2017Health

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on Wednesday (March 08), it is inspiring to read about women who lead by example.

Nanammal, a 98-year-old granny in Coimbatore city of India’s southern Tamil Nadu state lives as an inspiration for youngsters to lead an active, healthy lifestyle by practicing Yoga.

The nonagenarian, who has been practicing the ancient discipline since the age of five, boasts of almost a hundred students from all age groups, who come to her home to learn Yoga.

A mother of two sons and three daughters, Nanammal is fit and healthy even at this age and wakes up every day at 5 a.m. (1130 GMT) to practice Yoga.

The nonagenarian credits the ancient practice for her longevity and says maintaining a routine is necessary.

“I can’t say what the merits of doing Yoga are, but if one practices it I can say that one leads a healthy life. But they should continue practicing it. I gave birth to five children and they have also been practicing Yoga and teaching others too,” said Nanammal.

The woman claims to have mastered more than 50 kinds of asanas, or poses.

One of her students, Keerthana, said that she took up Yoga after she met Nanammal an-year ago.

“Earlier I did not have any confidence in Yoga. I do now only after seeing this grandma doing Yoga at 97 years old when I met her. Before taking up Yoga, I had some health problems. Now my entire family practices the ancient discipline. The only motivation is that if at this age this grandma can practice Yoga then why not us? That is how my family was attracted to Yoga,” said Keerthana.

Nanammal comes from a family that has been practicing this ancient physical and spiritual discipline for generations. She learned the discipline from her grandfather. Her five children also practice and teach yoga.

Nanammal’s determination to continue to teach Yoga makes her an inspiration for men and women, old and young, alike.
