A Chinese Defector Could Shake Up Hypersonic Weapons Race: Experts’ In-Depth Analysis (Part 2)

The news that an expert from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who developed a hypersonic missile defected to the West has aroused public concern about hypersonic weapons. Pinnacle View recently invited U.S. and Chinese experts to discuss topics related to hypersonic weapons.

U.S. military research experts included Rick Fisher, senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, and Grant Newsham, senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy. The two Chinese guests included Gao Guangjun, a former top Chinese criminal investigation expert, and Shi Shan, senior editor and chief Writer at The Epoch Times.

Newsham stated on the show that the defection of the Chinese missile expert could be a useful development, especially if it could give the United States an idea of how China is developing missile technology, rocket technology, and hypersonic technology, and of China’s current course of action.

Fisher told Pinnacle View that both Russia and China have operational hypersonic weapons, that Russia’s Avangard hypersonic missile is still undergoing advanced testing but is close to deployment, and that the air-launched Kinzhal hypersonic missile is being deployed to Europe to strike NATO targets. Fisher believes that China’s DF-17 hypersonic missile is a “Fractional Orbital Bombardment System” that is undergoing high-level testing and is likely to be deployed.

Fisher noted that, in response, the United States must focus on developing offensive capabilities as much as it does for defensive capabilities. He said the United States is now developing two or three boost-glide hypersonic weapons: one designed to be launched from bombers, the second type launched from a platform the size of a larger attack aircraft, and the third type launched by missiles, which will be deployed by the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy. The Army version of the missile may be deployed in two years at the earliest, while the Navy version may take three to four years.

In the program, Gao Guangjun revealed for the first time how he fled from under the eyes of the CCP, wandered in 17 countries, and finally fled to the United States. Gao also offered advice on how Chinese Americans could avoid falling under CCP espionage.

Shi Shan, an expert on issues regarding China, said that one of the biggest obstacles to the Chinese Communist Party’s use of force against Taiwan is the military strength of the United States, and the reason why the CCP needs a hypersonic missile system in particular is that the CCP believes that such missiles can break through the currently existing anti-missile systems. Shi Shan also expressed that China is undergoing a rapid ideological shift and that the CCP is facing a new wave of defections.

The new TV program “Pinnacle View,” recently launched by New Tang Dynasty and The Epoch Times, is a high-end TV forum that brings together elites from all walks of life around the world, with a focus on hot topics surrounding China and analysis of the general trend of the world. Pinnacle View provides Chinese audiences with in-depth observations of social current affairs and historical truths. For more exciting programs, stay tuned to Pinnacle View.