A Daughter’s Fight for Religious Freedom–and Her Father’s Life–in Communist China

Imagine waking up every day not knowing if your loved ones are safe. That there’s always the possibility of waking up to a message that they have been taken from their home, again, and are now being tortured for their beliefs. That’s exactly how one college student, who is now in the United States, has spent her whole life.

It’s a remarkable and nightmarish story that is relatable for too many people inside communist-ruled China today.

Guangzi Han shared her story with NTD. She and her father practice Falun Gong, a faith that is demonized and persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). And now her father has been taken by Chinese police once again.

Today, she’s a student at Fei Tian College here in the United States. She joined NTD in the studio to share her personal experience after 1999, when the CCP started the brutal persecution of this peaceful faith group.