AI War Is On: Microsoft & ChatGPT vs Google & Bard

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 7, 2023NTD Business

Top story today: Microsoft vs. Google! The AI war for search dominance is on! At a press conference on Feb. 7, Microsoft launched a super-charged version of its Bing Search engine. It has fused the engine with Open AI’s ChatGPT technology. This makes it a more serious competitor to Google Search, which has dominated the search engine space for decades.

ChatGPT technology seems to be taking the world by storm. It’s an artificial intelligence program that intelligently responds to any question or command, all within seconds. People can get the answers they want, far faster than by digging through web pages. Many believe that the Bing and ChatGPT fusion could put Google’s search dominance at risk!