Alaska Governor Signs Law Protecting Second Amendment Rights in Emergencies

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
July 31, 2023Politics
Alaska Governor Signs Law Protecting Second Amendment Rights in Emergencies
Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy speaks at the White House in Washington, on July 16, 2020. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)

Alaska will ensure gun stores stay open during emergencies, after Gov. Mike Dunleavy signed a new law protecting Second Amendment rights on July 29.

It follows the forced closure of many businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

House Bill 61 was welcomed by Second Amendment advocates including the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“NRA applauds @GovDunleavy for his unwavering support of our Second Amendment rights and for signing this House Bill 61, championed by Speaker Cathy Tilton, into law,” the NRA wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, on July 29.

According to Mr. Dunleavy, a Republican who issued several public health declarations during the pandemic, firearms are an integral part of the Alaskan way of life.

In an April 2021 case challenging a California law banning magazines with a capacity of 10 or more rounds, Dunleavy stated: “Alaska is a Second Amendment sanctuary state, and the State of Alaska constitution explicitly recognizes the individual right to bear arms. The 9th Circuit can try to eliminate the Second Amendment, but I won’t let that happen on my watch.”

In 2020, the city of Anchorage issued a controversial order forcing the closure of gun stores and shooting ranges.

House Bill 61 places further restrictions on local and state governments during declared states of emergency to block an individual’s access to firearms and firearm accessories, as well as ammunition, with the exception of those who are already under restriction from possessing firearms.

“We use them for protection and to feed our families, so during an emergency our Second Amendment rights become more important then ever,” Mr. Dunleavy told Fox News.

“This bill reflects the constitutional right Alaskans have to keep and bear arms by protecting access to both firearms and ammunition when Alaskans need it the most,” he added.

Under Alaskan state law a governor can declare a state of emergency in the event of an imminent threat but it can only be upheld for 30 days unless extended by the Legislature.

The bill previously passed the Senate in May, and after it was returned to the House for a concurrence vote, the House agreed to pass it a day later.

According to NRA Alaska State Director Aoibheann Cline, the new law marks another significant milestone since the last major pro-Second Amendment legislation, House Bill 24, also known as the “Stand Your Ground” law, was signed into law in April 2013.

“This bill is not just legislation; it’s a protective shield for our fundamental rights during states of emergency, reinforcing the core principles of the Second Amendment we deeply respect and uphold,” Ms. Cline said in a statement.

“Today is indeed a great victory for all freedom-loving Alaskans,” she added.

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