A fireball was seen above Tasmania! Is it a UFO?

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 5, 2017Videos
A fireball was seen above Tasmania! Is it a UFO?

On February 28th a fireball was spotted in the sky in Tasmania. It was seen and photographed by locals of the capital Hobart.


According to Airservices Australia the object was just an aeroplane, which was highlighted by the morning sun.


The physicists at the University of Tasmania have the same opinion, since according to them the object doesn’t look like a satellite or meteor.

“It’s definitely high altitude and the twin tails correspond with a contrail from planes. Given the time of the day, it looks the water vapour was being illuminated from below by the sun.”

Many people were not convinced by the explanation of the Airservices Australia and believed that the fireball was a UFO and that the aliens are coming.