Calligraphy – an art for training one’s inner character

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 2, 2017Entertainment
Calligraphy – an art for training one’s inner character

Calligraphy as an artform is often associated with writing complex Chinese characters, which is an important tradition in Chinese culture. Europeans have nothing to be ashamed of, though, as they too have historical traditions of art form of calligraphy. In modern times this art is noticeably absent from school curriculums, and beautiful handwriting has been replaced with typing on keyboard. This is a true loss, as calligraphy has a great deal to offer us.

Calligraphy trains our character, teaching us the value of patience and discipline. It’s not easy to stay focused on a single letter for an extended period of time. In times when the pace of living is so rapid and most things distract us from deep concentration, calligraphy is a fantastic way of training prolonged focus. It may also help to calm nerves and manage stress. Once you learn how to focus on writing in a traditional style, the gratification is almost immediate – you become calm and quiet, which is a good way to regain energy.

Another benefit is the perseverance and preservation a traditions going back centuries. It is important to interweave these traditions into our current cultures, as it would be a tragedy if such a beautiful artform were to be forgotten. Last. but not least, calligraphy is simply a beautiful art worth of pursuing even just for aesthetic reasons. If you remain unconvinced, just watch these two examples:

 An example of calligraphy by Moya

A seal engraved by Moya