Incredible bowls crafted from pencils

Incredible bowls crafted from pencils
Wood is a very well known medium for sculpting and carving. It has been used throughout the ages for decoration and art. Currently this material is still widely used in order to produce beautiful works of art – we have shown you recently an astounding example of wood carving: “How to turn a block of wood into a box of money“. Another artist made a truck entirely out of wood. So wood has proven to be one of the most versatile materials in the world for artwork.
The following video is an incredible demonstration of the beauty can be created from woodturning.  This type of art form has also a rich history. But you have never seen wood turned quite like this. This simple but gorgeous item is handmade by Nick from NZ Woodturning, a one man company based in the UK. Nick says he is a hobbyist and finds woodturning “extremely therapeutic”. Enjoy the video and see how he turns a bundle of colored pencils into an incredible work of art.

Check out the website.