America Competes With China’s Belt and Road

Emel Akan
By Emel Akan
December 24, 2018China News

WASHINGTON—China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is one of the world’s most ambitious and controversial development programs. Under the Trump administration, the United States is rolling out new infrastructure projects and other initiatives in the Asia-Pacific in an effort to counter China’s growing footprint in the region.

The Chinese Communist Party has made BRI—also known as One Belt, One Road—the cornerstone of its plan to grow its geopolitical influence. The initiative aims to deliver trillions of dollars of infrastructure investment to connect Asia, Europe, and Africa. The plan spans almost 70 countries and covers more than two-thirds of the world’s population.

In recent years, however, BRI has come into question as most of the projects are financed through Chinese state-controlled lenders, leaving borrowing nations distressed by massive debt burdens.

While the BRI turns five, America’s response to China’s ambitious plan is pretty recent, according to Daniel Kliman, a senior fellow in the Asia-Pacific security program at the Center for a New American Security, Washington-based national security think tank.

“This reflects a failure of imagination,” he said at a panel hosted by the Heritage Foundation on Dec. 17.

“Much like we saw in the case of Chinese land reclamation in the South China Sea, I think American policymakers initially had not fully appreciated the scope and speed of belt and road and how it would serve to advance Chinese interests in the world,” he explained.

The current administration, however, has taken a strategic view on the BRI and seen it as part of China’s ambitions to become a world superpower and challenge the U.S. position.

Under the Trump administration, the U.S. response to BRI has been “more coherent and comprehensive than what we’ve seen certainly in the past and trending in a positive direction,” Kliman argued, adding that there is a lot of opportunity for America to compete since emerging nations are increasingly concerned about the negative implications of Chinese investment.

US Response

In recent months, the Trump administration has voiced a far harder line against China and its growing footprint. Speaking at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO summit in Papua New Guinea on Nov. 16 Vice President Mike Pence criticized the BRI and said the United States “offers a better option.”

“We don’t drown our partners in a sea of debt. We don’t coerce or compromise your independence,” he said. “The United States deals openly [and] fairly. We do not offer a constricting belt or a one-way road.”

National Security Adviser John Bolton echoed the same concerns about China’s BRI. Speaking at an event this month, Bolton condemned China’s strategic use of debt to hold African countries captive to his demands.

He called the BRI “a plan to develop a series of trade routes leading to and from China with the ultimate goal of advancing Chinese global dominance.”

Besides the escalation of rhetoric, the administration has enacted a series of policies to tackle BRI. For example, in October, U.S. Congress passed the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act (or Build Act) with bipartisan support. It was signed into law by Trump.

The bill establishes the United States International Development Finance Corporation (IDFC) and doubles America’s development finance capacity to $60 billion. The IDFC will facilitate the U.S. private sector investment in emerging markets “in order to complement U.S. assistance and foreign policy objectives.”

According to Kliman, the bill is “a potential game-changer in terms of U.S. resourcing.”

In addition, this month the House and Senate passed the bipartisan Asia Reassurance Initiative Act, or ARIA, which authorizes $1.5 billion annually for five years in national defense spending in order to counter Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific.

Cooperation in Response

The United States has also launched a coordinated response to Chinese backed investments, cooperating with allies in the region like Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. For example, America and its Pacific allies announced last month that they would build a $1.7 billion electricity grid in Papua New Guinea.

European Union recently also unveiled a new strategy for connecting Europe and Asia. Although Brussels claims that it is not competing with BRI, it is a very much an alternative, says Kliman.

So there are opportunities today for the United States to engage with Europe on the joint infrastructure projects.”

According to Kliman, there are also efforts to constrain Chinese investment in developing countries.

“For example the United States, this summer, unveiled a new transaction advisory fund. Essentially it would help countries evaluate potential Chinese deals and not being taken advantage of in the way that happened in Sri Lanka,” he explained.

Sri Lanka, unable to repay its mounting debt with China, had to hand over its Hambantota Port to Beijing last year in a controversial 99-year lease agreement.

Kliman also said the United States would support investigative journalists in countries where China has invested, making it harder for Beijing to cut backroom deals that leave nations burdened with debt and put their sovereignty at risk.

From The Epoch Times