Does appearance change how we react to those in need?

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 10, 2017Stories

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A social experiment created to see if our physical appearance might change how people treat us when it comes to helping one another ended with some rather saddening outcomes.
You can clearly see the first man on crutches, who fakes falling down, does not appear to have any visible “issues” is instantly helped by passersby. There is no hesitation, it appears, for others to jump in each and every time this man takes his intentional spill onto the ground.

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However, when another man dressed as someone who appears be struggling financially and potentially homeless, they are treated quite differently. Nobody helps him even though it’s very clear the man needs some assistance. That is, except one individual who also appears to be homeless. The results of this social experiment are somewhat disheartening, minus the one kind man. Where can we draw our hope from when we are ignored in such a cruel and inhumane fashion? We can do better, friends. We can do much, much better.