Arab Israeli Journalist Recounts Assault, Calls for ‘Violent Uprising’ at Columbia University

A journalist is alleging that he was assaulted at Columbia University near Claremont Ave. and West 116th St. on Thursday, April 18. Arab Israeli journalist and activist Yoseph Haddad is accusing an agitator who was part of an anti-Israel demonstration of punching him in the face, lacerating his lip.

“When they see me as an Arab trying to expose all this, they even get more dangerous and they want to attack more, and they threaten me more. I’m even being threatened by the terrorist organization Hamas itself,” Mr. Haddad tells NTD. He also describes the slogans he heard at the Columbia protests calling for another “Intifada” in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Intifada means “violent uprising” in Arabic.