Archaeological remains found in Crimea

Jack Phillips
By Jack Phillips
July 31, 2017World News
Archaeological remains found in Crimea

A 2,000-year-old skeleton of a toddler was discovered in the eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula, showing that the boy had a cranial deformation.

Scientists from the Archaeology Fund, a group that organizes digs across Central Russia, Crimea, and Northern Africa, described the finding as the “alien’s grave” due to the skull’s unusual shape, Russian state-backed media reported this week. But a Russian scientist denied it was an alien.

The group stated that the skull deformations were consistent for a tribe of the Sarmatians, who inhabited Crimea at one time. The practice was similarly popular at one time among tribes who emigrated from the Caucasus region such as the Huns, Sarmatians, Avars, and the Alans. About 200 elongated skulls have been found in the Carpathian Basin so far

The skeletal remains were located at a Sarmatian cemetery dating to the first to third centuries near Yakovenkovo. It was excavated before work at a giant bridge that would link the Crimean Peninsula and Russia.

Nikolay Sudarev, a scientist from the Archaeology Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, denied the grave belonged to an alien.

“Elongated skulls were traditional for the Sarmatian culture,” he said, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, as reported by The Nation. “They thought this was more beautiful.”

A vessel made of clay and tiny beads were discovered near the grave. The boy also had on a copper bracelet.

From The Epoch Times