Argentina Can Switch ‘From Populist to Popular’ Leadership: Argentine Legal Expert

Arian Pasdar
By Arian Pasdar
December 11, 2023NTD Evening News

Argentina swore in a new leader on Sunday, with President Javier Milei vowing to take the country on a new course away from bureaucracy and out of spiraling inflation.

NTD spoke to Argentine constitutional lawyer Daniel Sabsay to find out the significance of the change for the people of Argentina—and what Mr. Milei will have to do next to put his words into action.

“I think that it won’t be easy,” said Mr. Sabsay. “We can change the regime in fact, and to switch from a populist regime to a popular, liberal regime.”

Mr. Sabsay said he believes Mr. Milei will get the support he needs from the Argentine houses of congress, at least in the early days of his presidency. “He has very few legislators in both chambers, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies” said Mr. Sabsay. “So he will need to make many alliances.”