Art of Parkour

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 18, 2017Entertainment
Art of Parkour

Parkour has became a popular pastime over the past few years. Having been in movies, but more and more people are performing this sport on the streets, and there are even Parkour competitions. For those unsure what exactly Parkour is, here is a short description:

Parkour is a sport focused on the use of movements in order to get from point “a” to point “b” in a complex environment. The participants do not use any assistive equipment and must operate as quickly and efficiently as possible, often using the encountered obstacles to increase efficiency of the run. Parkour requires imagination, creativity and quick thinking, as they need to see the environment in novel ways. For example a wall could be used as a ladder.

Usually Parkour is carried out in urban spaces, but not always. Look at this guy and how he doesn’t limit himself to the ordinary urban environments. He jumps through cars, windows, holes in ladders, hula hoops, and more!