Assange Warned State Department in 2011: Recording

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 18, 2020NTD Evening News

Project Veritas, an undercover journalism non-profit, released an exclusive recording on Dec. 16. The over one hour phone call was between Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and an attorney of the State Department.

The phone call took place in August 2011. In it, Assange warned then-attorney Cliff Johnson that a former employee would release classified cables.

“We have intelligence that the State Department Database Archive of 250,000 diplomatic cables is being spread around,” said Assange.

Assange identified the leaker as rogue former employee Daniel Domscheit-Berg. He also noted that this person will not redact sensitive information.

“We would not be releasing them. This is Daniel Domscheit-Berg, a previous employee that we suspended last August,” said Assange.

Assange urged the state department to take action. He believed the person would leak the information in the following days.

“There may be some possibility to stop it,” said Assange.

Project Veritas says a whistleblower provided this recording to them. The whistleblower wanted to let the American people have a more accurate account of Assange and his conduct.

Julian Assange is currently fighting extradition to America in a British court.