Australian Greens Party Leader Richard Di Natale Resigns

February 2, 2020Australia
Australian Greens Party Leader Richard Di Natale Resigns
Australian Senator Richard Di Natalie with Senator Peter Whish-Wilson (R) and Senator Janet Rice arrive for a press conference at Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, on July 4, 2019. (Tracey Nearmy/Getty Images)

Richard Di Natale has resigned as leader of the Greens, on the eve of federal parliament returning for the political year.

Senator Di Natale cited family reasons as he made the announcement to Greens colleagues on Monday, immediately spilling his position as leader and those of co-deputies Adam Bandt and Larissa Waters.

Di Natale, who became party leader in 2015, told The Sydney Morning Herald that the decision to quit has been “very difficult,” and “the time’s right for me, my family and for the Greens.”

“It’s a tough, demanding job. It’s been a privilege to do it. But I’ve got to the point in my life where I’ve got two young boys [and] I want to be there for them,” he said.

“Being away for half the year from a young family has just become, for me, too difficult. And when I’ve got my youngest boy saying, ‘I wish you weren’t a politician, Dad, because we don’t see you,’ it’s telling you something.”

The 10-member Greens party room will vote for a new leadership team on Tuesday.

Di Natale added, “I feel like I’m leaving the party in good shape. At a time when it’s my decision and no one else’s.”

He is expected to hold a press conference shortly with Melbourne MP Adam Bandt and Queensland Senator Larissa Waters.

By Daniel McCulloch. With reporting by NTD staff.