Australian mother delivered her 6kg baby the most miraculous way at home

Venus Upadhayaya
By Venus Upadhayaya
February 10, 2017Stories
Australian mother delivered her 6kg baby the most miraculous way at home

A mother in Perth delivered one of the largest babies in Australia – a six kg chubby angel which decided to come out in such a hurry that it all happened in the foyer of their house.

It was the Australian National Day in Applecross and Nina Tassell, 37, went into quick labour and she had no time to go to hospital. But what appeared in that frenzy one hour of labour – was a miracle 5.95 kg baby. An average baby is only 3.3 kg.

NTD Photo

Screenshot of the video on Today Tonight’s

According to The West Australian, the birth happened supported by her husband, Adam. “We got a bit stuck getting his head out, but Nina changed position and then I saw his eyebrows and then the rest of him came out beautifully,” he said.

“He made a few coughing noises and we knew he was OK,” Adam told the West Australian. Adam said he knew he’ll have to help his wife deliver the baby when she told him that the baby is pressing down.

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Nina and Adam. Screenshot of the video on Today Tonight’s

On 26 January, Nina’s water broke at 9 am, the couple started preparing to drive to the hospital but they soon understood they wouldn’t make it.

Adam’s sister-in-law, Sonya Anson who was taking care of their other three older sons suggested them two options.

“She said I could either have the baby in the car on the way or have it at home, so I thought, ‘well, I’ve had a baby in a car before so it’s best to have this one at home,” Nina said.

“I got down on the mat in the foyer near the front door but I was pretty nervous because I knew I was in their hands if anything went wrong.

“Sonya was on the phone getting advice (from the paramedics) while Adam handled the delivery and told me when to push.

“Once the baby was born and started breathing I relaxed a bit, but we were all pretty glad to see the ambulance arrive a few minutes later.”

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Nina and Adam with their four sons. Screenshot of the video on Today Tonight’s

Watch the family share their 6kg joy here: