Australian Politician Declares He is a Woman After Attacks on His Pro-Life Views

Mimi Nguyen Ly
By Mimi Nguyen Ly
November 17, 2018Australia

An Australian politician during Parliament on Nov. 14 said that he would declare his gender as female following comments from another senator that his pro-life views were not welcome.

The conservative politician of the Nationals party, Barry O’Sullivan, had moved a motion on Nov. 12 calling for pro-abortion activists to be banned from disrupting the annual “Day of the Unborn Child,” which is observed annually on March 25.

The day was established by Pope John Paul II, who called it “a positive option in favour of life and the spread of a culture for life to guarantee respect for human dignity in every situation.”

In the motion, O’Sullivan pointed out how it was hypocritical that pro-choice activists complain about pro-life protests near abortion clinics while they themselves protest at pro-life events.

“Religious observers attending Day of the Unborn Child services are continuously disrupted and harassed at annual protest rallies organised by pro-abortion groups, such as the University of Sydney Women’s Collective, the University of New South Wales Women’s Collective and Labour for Choice,” O’Sullivan said on Nov.12.

“These protest rallies feature speakers who insult church-goers and accuse the church of supporting violence against women,” he added.

The motion was defeated 32 to 12. Many others of the 75 senators had abstained from the vote.

During the debate, Larissa Waters of the Greens party said that O’Sullivan should “get his hands and his rosaries off my ovaries,” which made news headlines across the nation.

Both O’Sullivan and Waters represent the state of Queensland.

“Senator O’Sullivan needs to get his hands and his rosaries off my ovaries and those of the 10,000 Queensland women who have an abortion each year—10,000 women who have the right to make a decision about their own bodies without the opinion of senator O’Sullivan getting in their way,” Waters said.

She later withdrew the remark with regard to the rosary, after conservative Tasmanian Eric Abetz told her to do so because it reflected on Senator O’Sullivan’s religion, AAP reported.

O’Sullivan responded to Waters’ comments on Nov. 14, saying: “I’m going to declare my gender today, as I can, to be a woman and then you’ll no longer be able to attack me.

“Some of us have come in here with reasonably strong views on conservative issues, only to be attacked and frustrated by the Greens.

“They are so far to the Left, you wouldn’t find them if you had two pairs of bifocals on at the same time. It is outrageous,” O’Sullivan said.

“She comes in here and makes attacks on us to continue to try and marginalise those of us in this place and the other place that are centre Right conservatives.

“We can’t open our traps. You cannot say the word ‘abortion’ without being attacked by this mob,” he said.

“I will not stand silent. I will not stand mute while these people try to continue to marginalise policies and ideas that we want to discuss for this nation that I think are still largely supported by the majority of the nation,” he added.

Earlier this year, O’Sullivan had voted in favour of a motion that Senator Fraser Anning had presented in June to condemn the NSW parliament for introducing exclusion zones around abortion clinics.

O’Sullivan’s motion on Nov. 12 also called on senators to acknowledge that there have been remarks in support of exclusion zones for religious activities.

O’Sullivan quoted archbishop Peter Comensoli saying, “If they’re (activists) determined to have a safety zone, why not a safety zone around any activities that could be personally intimidating for those involved.”

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