Babies Born in Order to Harvest and Sell Body Parts Say Abortionist

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
September 27, 2019US News
Babies Born in Order to Harvest and Sell Body Parts Say Abortionist
Photo of a baby. (Hu Chen/Unsplash)

Recently an abortionist in California testified under oath that there’s “no question” babies are being born alive to harvest their organs.

According to Life Site News, Dr. Forrest Smith, who claims to be “the longest practicing abortion doctor in the United States today,” says he has done around 50,000 abortions during his career.

Smith took the stand in defense of undercover pro-life investigators David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt.

During Smith’s testimony it was revealed that not only did Daleiden’s and Merritt’s undercover videos expose the truth about the abortion industry’s questionable practices, but also that things are even worse than previously thought.

Anti-Abortion Groups Rally Outside Last Planned Parenthood Clinic In Missouri
Radio host Stacy Washington speaks during a pro-oife rally outside the Planned Parenthood Reproductive Health Center in St Louis, Missouri, on June 4, 2019. (Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images)

Smith claimed that some of the abortionists featured in the undercover videos altered abortion procedures to birth living babies with the goal of obtaining fresher and more intact organs.

Smith claims that when he first viewed Daleiden on television in 2015, he told his wife, “I’m going to take down that son of a [expletive]. He’s [expletive] with me now’.”

Things changed however when Smith personally met with Daleiden and viewed the undercover videos.

After viewing the videos of executives from Planned Parenthood, and those taken at the National Abortion Federation conference in 2014, he realized that Daleiden was telling the truth, but “didn’t know the half of what was going on.”

Merritt and Daleiden, both from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), have been charged with 14 felony counts of recording confidential information without consent. The undercover videos were released by the CMP in 2015 exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby body parts.

Their defense has claimed a Section 633.5 defense, which condones the recording of confidential information when the evidence being collected is related to violent crimes.

Smith says that after viewing the videos recorded at the 2014 Planned Parenthood conference, the presentation given by Alisa Goldberg was advocating an abortion method that would result in a live birth.

The method she was describing involves administering 300 to 400 mg of Misoprostal every three to four hours to trigger a “tumultuous labor” that results in “fetal expulsion,” during which “the fetus comes out without any assistance from the abortion doctor, no instrumentation.”

25 to 100 mg of Misoprotol can act as a cervical preparation agent to soften the cervix for an induction of a term pregnancy, said Smith.

“In this case clearly the intent is same-day surgery,” he continued. “They fully intend to put the uterus into labor.”

He also noted that “very few people in abortion, outside of Planned Parenthood, do that.”

Kawanna Shannon(R), director of surgical services for Planned Parenthood in St. Louis, speaks alongside pro-choice supporters as they hold a rally outside the Planned Parenthood Reproductive Health Services Center in St. Louis, Missouri, May 31, 2019. (SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

According to the National Review, Smith said, “You can kill a human being, which I admit abortion is, but you have to do it in certain ways.”

During one of the CMP videos, Perrin Larton, procurement manager for fetal organ harvesters Advanced Bioscience Research (ABR) spoke regarding a “fetus falling out” being a case of fetal expulsion.

When asked by Daleiden’s lawyer, Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society, whether such a procedure would result in a live birth, Smith responded, “there’s no question in my mind that at least some of these fetuses were live births.”

According to the Daily Wire, Smith also mentions that a beating heart is the key distinction used to determine where the baby is alive or dead, not whether the baby is moving or breathing.

“All testimony we have seen, no breathing, no movement, no cord” he said, or “arms, legs torn off, the assumption is: that is fetal demise. But that’s completely wrong.”