This curious baby elephant will steal your heart with his game of “bird tag”

This curious baby elephant will steal your heart with his game of “bird tag”

Did you know that a baby elephant can weigh up to 200 pounds and is 3 feet tall at birth? That’s one big baby! When the baby is born the mother attempts to help the new-born rise to its feet. This is necessary because the new-born must stand to drink its mother’s milk. Without the ability to get the food the calf is sure to perish. The young consume up to 11 liters of mothers milk a day!

As we know, elephants are complex creatures with surprisingly advanced cognitive skills. The brain of a new-born elephant is about 30-40% of the size of that of an adult. To develop their big brains they need a long period of learning. The elephant is quite similar to the humans, in that a great deal of brain development goes on outside of the womb. That is why baby elephants are so curious. They have an innate need to learn and explore the world around them.

Enjoy this lovely little baby as he plays with the birds and tries to play “tag”.