Baby Seal Surprises Surfers

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 13, 2017Entertainment

Surfers get the seal of approval from none other than a friendly water pup


Experienced surfers know the rules when it comes to seals:

1. Avoid contact with them because of diseases they might be carrying and the possibility of running into some overprotective momma seals.

2. Seals, for the most part, don’t eat people. But sharks eat seals. So if you see a seal when you’re out on the water, stay aware.


So when these two surfers headed out to catch some waves, one of them got a little nervous when a seal popped up out of the water right next to him and tried mounting his surfboard!

But the awesome little visitor was just a friendly seal pup that wanted to catch a wave, too!


Professional Surfer, Paul Walker, said “Surfing soothes me, it’s always been a kind of Zen experience for me. The ocean is so magnificent, peaceful, and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me when I’m on a wave.”

Apparently, the gnarly surfer pup couldn’t agree more. It took more than several attempts for his blubbery smooth body to stay aboard for any amount of time, but he sure was persistent!

When the guys were done hanging out with their new baby seal friend for about an hour, the little bugger followed them all the way to the shore!


Until next time, surfer dudes!