Father Leaves Tear-jerking Message for Newborn Quintuplets in YouTube Video

Five babies born 2 months ago are doing well and will be coming home in the coming weeks.

Lincoln, Noelle, Grayson, Preston, and Gabriella Kempel were introduced to the world in a YouTube video posted March 11.

Amy Kempel gave birth to the quintuplets when they were 27 weeks. Although the babies were born healthy, they weighed less than 3 pounds each. The Kempels wanted to wait until they looked more like full-term newborns before sharing photos and videos, according to KTVU.

“It felt really good to finally show the babies to our family and friends,’’ Chad Kempel told KTVU. “Our parents and siblings and closer friends have all met them in the hospital, but we haven’t shared any photos or video with anyone before today.”

The babies are all in neonatal intensive care. They are expected to be healthy enough to go home soon, though not all at the same time, KTVU reported.

Credit: Fox – KTVU