Bible That Trump Autographed Sold at Auction

Zachary Stieber
By Zachary Stieber
March 12, 2019US News
Bible That Trump Autographed Sold at Auction
US President Donald Trump greets residents during a tour of tornado-damaged areas in Opelika, Alabama on Mar. 8, 2019. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images)

A Bible that President Donald Trump signed in 2016 sold for $325 in a recent online auction.

The Bible was said to be hand-signed at a rally and included a certificate of authenticity, according to GraphWizard Collectibles, which handled the sale on eBay.

“He also signed with his full signature witch [sic] makes it more rare,” the sellers wrote. The signature appeared to be on the first page after the cover was opened.

The Bible, a New Testament, KJV edition, was described as a mini Bible measuring 4 1/2 inches by 3 inches.

The auction price was listed at $525, but the book eventually sold for $325.

People cheer as the motorcade of President Donald Trump passes
People cheer as the motorcade of President Donald Trump passes during a tour of tornado-affected areas in Beauregard, Alabama, on March 8, 2019. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images)

A number of other items bearing the president’s signature are available on the auction site, including a baseball in a case.

The Washington Nationals baseball came with the display case cube, a black wooden stand, and a certificate of authenticity. The starting bid was listed at $295.

Another item is a photo of Trump and former President Ronald Reagan shaking hands, with facsimile autographs from both men underneath the picture; it’s going for $49 to start.

Yet another auction allegedly involving a signature of Trump is a copy of Newsweek magazine that shows Trump smiling underneath the text “President Trump,” with the promise of a story inside about his “Historic Journey to the White House.” The magazine is going for $1,999.99.

News of the autographs began circulating after Trump signed a number of Bibles while touring parts of Mississippi that were devastated by a recent tornado.

President Donald Trump greets residents
President Donald Trump greets residents during a tour of tornado-affected areas in Beauregard, Alabama, on March 8, 2019. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images)

Reporters Mock Trump, Alabama Residents During Post-Tornado Visit

Some reporters and analysts mocked President Donald Trump and Alabama residents while Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and other administration officials visited the state in the aftermath of a deadly tornado.

After Josh Dawsey of the Washington Post, who was on the scene, posted a picture on Twitter showing Trump signing Bibles, several reporters replied, mocking the president and the people at the church.

Trump had started signing Bibles after a 12-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl asked him to sign their copies.

Andrew Kaczynski of CNN chipped in, saying: “Are they first editions?”

Molly Jong-Fast of The Bulwark added, “How many of said Bibles spontaneously burst into flames.”

Meredith McGraw, a reporter for ABC, shared the picture and wondered: “Signing Bibles?”

Dawsey replied, saying: “People brought them and asked him to do it.”

According to Dawsey’s subsequent article about Trump’s visit, the president signed “at least two Bibles for an adoring horde of volunteers, who were packed eight-deep around tables of recovery supplies.”

Ada Ingram, a local resident, said that Trump signed Bibles belonging to her sister and a 12-year-old volunteer, calling the president a “godsend.”

“He signed his Bible!” she said.

Trump also signed hats, clothes, and other items while posing for pictures with residents.

Rachel Scott, another ABC reporter, posted pictures that were taken by a volunteer that showed the Trumps signing Bibles at the church.

She also shared a picture of two Bibles with Trump’s signature on the front.

Among those in the media ridiculing the president and Alabama residents was Matthew Dowd, a political analyst for ABC.  “I don’t know who it is a worse commentary on: Trump actually signing Bibles in Alabama, or the people asking him to sign a Bible. Lordy Moses,” he wrote.

Others pointed out that former presidents, vice presidents, and political candidates such as Clinton, Gore, Carter and Truman have also signed Bibles or Psalms books in the past.