A big truck and amazing forced perspective

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 6, 2017Entertainment
A big truck and amazing forced perspective

Have you ever noticed how serious we sometimes became? How seriously we treat our job, our goals, our wants, and even ourselves? Of course there is nothing bad about being a responsible person, but don’t you think that we take life a little too seriously? Seriousness is not beneficial to our souls. We become robotic, weighty, uncreative and sometimes even angry. Why is that? Or to quote a famous character from the legendary series: “Why so serious?”

To obtain answer to this question let’s have a look at this humorous video:

Had a laugh? Good 🙂

What we have seen on the video is called “forced perspective”. It’s a technique which employs optical illusion to make an object appear closer than it actually is. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera.

We have been fooled too. Someone distorted our perception. I would argue that we are victims of a forced perspective. But the object that appears closer than it should is ourselves. It’s our ego that looks big, but in reality it is not. That is why we are so serious. We become too attached to our image of ourselves, so whenever someone doesn’t see us as we want to be seen, we suffer. We suffer when we don’t attain our goals, because we cling to them too much.

The name of this phenomenon is not without a reason named “forced perspective”. It was forced on us, and we helped to develop it. But it’s not natural. In order to change this false perception, we need to release of the concept of “me”. Or at least diminish it’s importance and maintain a healthy distance from it. When we do it, it starts diminishing just as the truck on the video. Most importantly – it was never really that big! It was just the “forced perspective” that was fooling us.

When you change this perspective, you can have a genuine laugh just like the gentleman in the video. This is the state of letting go, a lighter state and one easier to live in.