Black Swan Visits Beijing’s Tiananmen Square

Tiffany Meier
By Tiffany Meier
September 6, 2021China in Focus

In a unique sighting in Beijing, a black swan appears in Tiananmen Square, the center of the city. A metaphor often associated with the bird’s presence is stirring speculation.

A Hong Kong actor says he’s giving up his Canadian citizenship. Some call it a show of loyalty toward China’s communist regime.

Beijing bans men it deems aren’t masculine enough for TV—and labels them “girlie guns.”

Britain’s new aircraft carrier arrives in Japan for a permanent military presence in the Indo-Pacific region. This is countering China’s territorial claims.

Two Canadians have been held in Chinese prison for more than 1,000 days. Their supporters rally in Ottawa. The “Two Michaels” were accused of spying in a case that soured diplomatic ties between Canada and China.

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