Botaoshi — It might be the best sport ever, or the craziest

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 1, 2017Entertainment
Botaoshi — It might be the best sport ever, or the craziest

Maybe Japan is best known for its culture and food, but the Japanese also have quite a few crazy sports.

This sport is based on a war game. The object of the game is usually for your team to take down the enemy’s flag while defending their own. Instead of flags, the Japanese game uses large poles with someone perched on top.

It’s called Bo-Taoshi and is played in two teams with 150 members each. They are split in half, some being defenders and others as attackers. Victory is achieved when one team lowers the opposing team’s pole to a thirty-degree angle.

An interesting twist on the game in Halloween could be having players dressed as witches and wizards.