Lucky little boy captures Santa Claus visiting his home on Christmas Eve

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 14, 2017Stories

One Christmas Eve a little boy named Evan set up a GoPro near his family’s Christmas tree. He hoped to catch the always elusive Santa Claus on camera.

On Christmas morning Evan and his family gathered around the computer to watch what the camera recorded overnight. To the 7-year-old’s surprise, he caught Santa on camera!

Santa Captured On A GoPro

In reality Santa Claus was Evan’s uncle, Dean Fisher, who came to the home dressed up as the jolly old man to film the little bit for his nephew. Fisher stayed up until the early hours of the morning editing the video and only slept a few hours, but in the end it was all worth it to see his nephew’s priceless reaction.


Santa Captured On A GoPro