Boy Loses Brain Function After Nearly Drowning, Family Plans to Donate His Organs

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
September 1, 2019US News
Boy Loses Brain Function After Nearly Drowning, Family Plans to Donate His Organs
A picture of a hospital room. (sungmin cho/Pixabay)

The 15-year-old boy who nearly drowned in the wave pool on Aug. 24 while at the water park Oceans of Fun has lost his brain function as of Aug. 30, according to multiple reports.  He remains on life support pending organ donation procedures.

A Facebook page was created and dedicated to provide details into Trey Wallace’s condition and recently, the family pastor, Kurt Coleman shared a post which read:

“We want to thank you all for praying for Trey. Tonight an MRI confirmed that Trey’s brain no longer is functioning and cannot sustain his life. Trey’s wishes were that his organs be donated if anything should ever happen to him,” the Facebook post read. “Over the next 24 hours the process will be started to help save others. We were praying for a miracle for Trey, but Trey is becoming a miracle for others. Please keep the family in your prayers during the very difficult time.”

Wallace turned 15 on Aug. 28.

According to Fox 4 Kansas City, Wallace was celebrating his upcoming birthday and went to the water park with his church group on Aug. 24, according to Coleman. The water park is located in Kansas City, and the group traveled nearly 300 miles away from Stockton, Kansas to visit the water park.

In an earlier report by Fox 4 Kansas City, Wallace was found at the bottom of the deep end of the wave pool. Two strangers saw something strange in the pool and swam closer to find out what it may be.

Brandon Wright, the man who dragged Wallace’s body out of the pool, said his friend located the body and tried to get the life guard’s attention for help, the news outlet reported.

“He found a body under the water, and while he was yelling at the life guard to get his attention, I swam to see what was going on,” Wright recalled, “And I saw the body, and so I swam underneath to try to help pick him up.”

With the help of another man, Wright brought Wallace up from the wave pool towards where the lifeguard was waiting with a flotation device, the news outlet reported. Wright recalled thinking, “the faster I get him to shore the better.”

Wright said his actions were instinctual.

“I just reacted,” Wright said. “I didn’t know what else to do besides be in the moment and do what I could do to help out.”

In response to Trey Wallace’s health, Wright was hoping for the boys recovery, according to Fox 4 Kansas City.

“My best wishes go out to them. I hope that his health recovers 100%, that he’s able to see their faces again and share more experiences like going on vacations at Worlds of Fun again without having to worry,” he said.

The lifeguard gave Wallace CPR, and the KC Fire Department took Wallace to Children’s Mercy Hospital, Fox 4 Kansas City reported, where he was put on a ventilator.

“Transition off the Oscillator went well. So far all vitals look good,” Wallace’s mother wrote on a post on Facebook on Aug. 26. “So we are officially on a regular ventilator. This was a huge milestone and a scary transition. But Jesus was in this room and I tell you it could not have went any better. Please be in prayer for Trey’s brain function.”

The family asked for everyone to help pray for Trey Wallace, and Chris Wallace, Trey Wallace’s father, said to Fox 4 that the prayers have been getting through.

However, a week after the incident, the pastor for the family said that Wallace lost his brain activity and the family will be donating his organs once the hospital pulls Wallace off of life support.

In a post on Sept. 1, the family gave an update, “We will be traveling back home today and we will let everyone know where and at what time services will be. Thank you for your continued prayer and support. We have truly felt your love.”