Braised Tofu Over Scallions on Sizzling Plate

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 23, 2017Food

It’s hard to imagine that tofu was practically an unheard of item in the West, until several decades ago. Today, chances are you can find a whole range of tofu varieties in all kinds of markets: from high-end organic food emporiums, to your local grocery store right around the corner.


Despite its growing popularity, tofu is still an acquired taste for many Westerners. There’s no food quite like tofu in the West due to its distinct texture and seemingly bland taste. In Asia, however, tofu has been loved for thousands of years because it’s delicious, healthy and versatile.


Tofu dish is simple to make. In fact, one reason for its popularity is that tofu not only absorbs the flavors of other ingredients cooked with it, it also tastes great in its own right. Today, we will use scallion (green onion) and a hot iron plate to bring out the best original flavor in tofu!


Braised Tofu Over Scallions Ingredients:

  • ½ block of silken tofu
  • 5 scallions
  • 1 tablespoon of diced mushroom
  • 1 tablespoon of diced scallion
  • Clear soup stock

Braised Tofu Over Scallions Sauce:

  • 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
  • ½ tablespoon of light soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of starch mixed with water
  • A pinch of salt


Braised Tofu Over Scallions Directions:

  1. Cut tofu into approximately 1-inch thick rectangular pieces.%e5%b0%8f%e8%94%a5%e7%87%92%e8%b1%86%e8%85%90-2_eng
  2. Cut scallion into approximately 4 cm segments. For the white stalk of the scallion, make a vertical slice along each stalk.
  3. Pan-fry tofu on high heat until surface is golden. After flipping the tofu over, add salt.
  4. When the tofu is done frying, add soup stock.
  5. Add 1 tablespoon each of diced mushroom and diced scallion.
  6. Add all sauce ingredients and thicken it with starch solution.
  7. Heat up the iron plate, and place the scallion pieces on the plate.
  8. Lay the cooked tofu pieces on top of the scallion, drip with prepared sauce.
  9. Finally, garnish with more diced scallion.


Braised Tofu Over Scallions Tips:

Be sure to add salt after you flip over the tofu and when the wok temperature is really high (hint: when the tofu pieces are sizzling). The heat and the salt help to release tofu’s great flavor. %e5%b0%8f%e8%94%a5%e7%87%92%e8%b1%86%e8%85%90-6_eng
This is a simple, savory and healthy dish you can enjoy everyday. The chef demonstrating for us is Chef Lo, star chef at Radiance Tea House and Books. Chef Lo does not believe in using MSG. Instead, he prefers simple home-made sauces using basic ingredients such as salt, sugar and soy sauce. When mixed in the right amount, they achieve the same umami effect as adding MSG, but without any unfavorable health concerns.


To those who regularly cook Cantonese style Chinese dishes, Chef Lo suggests preparing a pot of soup stock in advance. The stock adds great, natural flavor to many home-made Chinese dishes.
For a great dining experience and learn about the profound philosophy behind Chinese food, be sure to pay a visit to Radiance Tea House and Books.