Brave Man Frees Wild Civet Caught in Fence in South Africa

NTD Video
By NTD Video
December 7, 2023Viral Videos

A brave South African man rescued a civet that was entangled in a barbed-wire fence.

In a heartwarming video taken close to Alldays in South Africa, Anthony Peniston can be seen patiently soothing the injured animal before carefully untangling and cutting the wire, thus freeing it.

“I was on the way to our closest town for a meeting when I saw this civet cat badly tangled up in a barbed-wire fence,” he said.

Mr. Peniston is a wildlife rescue specialist, so he took a chance despite the risk of the civet biting or injuring him—even though he wasn’t equipped with protective gloves, boots, or clothing. He simply decided to help an animal in need.

“There was no way to get a veterinarian to help as the closest one was over 2 hours drive away,” he said. “Also, I couldn’t simply cut the wires as it would have resulted in the cat running off with the wires still stuck into it, and it could have died.”

Video footage shot in Alldays, central South Africa, on May 1, 2020.