Brexit can be reversed if all EU agrees

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 29, 2017World News

European Parliament President Antonio Tajani and EP Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt said the U.K.’s withdrawal can be reversed, if all 27 member states of the European Union agree.

Even if the U.K. decided to change its mind, which it has not so far, the entire EU would need to approve.

EP Brexit negotiator Verhofstadt said, “The rules under which it is to be done are very clear.”

Chief EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier would prefer the possibility of reversal not be raised.

Tajani said that the purpose of the EU was to create “added value” for its nations and citizens.

He thinks that united the nations are stronger and hopes the EU and U.K. will  work as team despite Brexit.

“Brexit is not the only challenge that we face,” he explained.

“There is a growing feeling of anxiety. People are worried about their future. Illegal immigration, terrorism. They would like a group that champions our interests and values around the world.

“We are strongly convinced that only by being united, we can overcome these challenges. Close cooperation on defense or at least intelligence and regional matters should continue with the UK whether there is a deal or not.”

All parties want to ensure that the process protects the rights of all citizens.