Groom Promises to Love And Protect his New Wife’s Daughter in Tearjerking Vows

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 9, 2017Stories

When NASCAR driver Brian Scott stood at the altar on his wedding day he was prepared to read not just one, but two vows. Little did everyone in attendance know, but in addition to promising to unconditionally love his bride-to-be, Whitney Kay, he also committed to taking care of her daughter Brielle.

After reciting his vows to Whitney, Brian crouched down to Brielle’s level, took her hand and promised to …

“Always hold your hand and skip with you down the street and bring comfort to your life,”

Brian Scott's Wedding Vows To Daughter

“Read you stories at night …”

Brian Scott's Wedding Vows To Daughter

“Show you how a man should treat a woman in my relationship with your mother.”

Brian Scott's Wedding Vows To Daughter

“And above all else, I vow to protect you, care for you, and love you forever.”

Brian Scott's Wedding Vows To Daughter

You can watch Brian’s wedding vows to Whitney and Brielle in entirety in the video above, but make sure you have a box of tissues nearby!