Britain considering post-Brexit citizenship rights for EU nationals

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 30, 2017World News

Prime Minister Theresa May said on March 29 that her government will be discussing the implications of Brexit on citizenship rights for EU nationals residing in the U.K.

May said she will be expecting for similar reassurances for U.K. citizens living in the EU.

A bill outlining May’s proposals for EU citizens residing in the U.K. will be announced in Parliament in due course.

May formally announced the start of the two-year Brexit negotiation process on Wednesday morning, March 29.

May was an opponent of Brexit during the referendum vote.

Brexit will test EU as well as U.K. cohesion as unchartered negotiations begin in earnest.

This is the first time an EU member state has exited the bloc since its formation in 1973.

May said her government will be working for a comprehensive free-trade agreement to substitute what is currently unrestricted access to the EU single market, “We are looking, we would like to see as frictionless free trade as possible, tariff free across borders so we can continue that trade with the European Union.”

She added, “It will be a different relationship because it won’t be a relationship based on membership of the single market and based on accepting all the other things that voters rejected.”

May said it is in the interest of all parties to negotiate good trade deals.

The consequences of the Brexit deal will come into effect in late March 2019.

May has also rejected speculation around a divorce fee from the EU, “We won’t be being required to make significant payments every year into the EU’s budget. As you say, there may be some particular programs we want to be members of, that we wish to pay in order to be members of, because it will be in the national interest to do that and that’s what will drive us.”