Brother pedals 600 km to see his dying brother, but sadly couldn’t make it on time

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 2, 2017Stories
Brother pedals 600 km to see his dying brother, but sadly couldn’t make it on time

This is a real story of two brothers who always helped each other in times of need. When one of the brothers fell sick, how the younger brother ventured to see his dying big brother, despite his financial limitations, is truly remarkable.

Jessie Hallig, 22, lives in Pasig city, a place near Manila in Philippines. He came to know that his brother Rhamil, 29, residing in his hometown at Bicol Sorsogon was suffering immune weakening disease.

Since they shared a unique bond in their relationship, Jessie wanted to go to see him, but he did not have the money to travel 600 km distance, so he decided to travel on his bicycle!


On January 16, 2017, he leaves a message on the Facebook post: “I will ride this bike for you Rham. I want you to fight. You can do it. We can do it. You will get well. This ride is for you.”


On seeing this Facebook post many of his friends volunteered to accompany him in the convoy of riders. It was to support the cause of brotherly love.

They took the route Barangay Hinangra, Magallanes town in Sorsogon Province.


Jessie comments, “I did not feel tired because aside from thinking of my brother; I was so elated that many had supported me.”

While at his hometown, Rham’s condition was deteriorating, so he was sent to hospital. After the five days of stay in the hospital he was discharged and sent home, as his family could not afford to pay the hospital bills and medicines.

Unfortunately his condition worsened, he lost his appetite, and could not even take milk and porridge; he passed away just a couple of hours before his younger brother could arrive.


Jessie was heart broken when he got the news Rham died before he could reach home. He passed away at 8.25 am on January 19.  Rham last words to his brother and his team was “Thank you.”

It’s a beautiful story of brotherly bonds and friends who support each other in crisis. Humanity is all about helping others; it is the relations that matter, not money and status.

The story is sourced from