Expert: China Aims to Dominate Boeing by 2049; New Cars Market Is a Buyer’s Market Again | Business Matters Full Broadcast (May 27)

Don Ma
By Don Ma
May 27, 2024Business Matters
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Memorial Day weekend is shaping up to offer some of the best deals on new cars in years. The discounts vary widely by manufacturer and type of car, but it’s a good time to be in the market for an electric vehicle.

Passenger traffic at U.S. airports is on pace to make this Memorial Day weekend the busiest on record, according to Transportation Security Administration screening data.

China has set up its third planned state-backed investment fund to boost its semiconductor industry, with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan ($47.5 billion).

A military expert says that by 2049, if China has its way, it will displace Boeing as one of the leading producers of passenger airliners.